Selfies or Self

In the world of Selfies, Likes, friends, websites, Twitterers, Facebookers, Googlers and followers have we become so other directed that we have lost the quiet sound and voice of our own wise mind? Can we still hear that part of us that is inwardly curious, the part...

What Love Is…

What Love is… Deborah Anapol, Ph.D. says, “Love is force of nature. No matter how much we want to, we cannot demand, command or disappear love” It’s true, you can’t make someone love you and you can’t really stop them either. I do believe however you can create love....

Unexpected Gifts

Unexpected Gifts Life happens between miracles, in the midst of miracles and after miracles… even in difficult times. I took a long time to realize that there is a consequence to every choice in life. Every choice in life is either for aliveness or death. No...


Words My mother was an alcoholic. Until the day she died, no, even long after, the words spinning in my head were wonderings about what a can of Coors offered her that I could not. There are certain experiences and certain words in life that humble you. They bring you...

The Change Table

Come to the Change Table In the time it takes to read this column, approximately four billion five hundred million cells have died and been replaced in your body. Metathesiophobia is a phobia for fear of change. We are afflicted by it. We may have difficulty...

Just One Person

Just One Person Earnest Holmes once said, “Find me one person who can get his own littleness out of the way and he shall reveal to me the immeasurable magnitude of the Universe in which I live.” This is the challenge of our lives today, to step aside out of our own...

This or That

This or That Life is seldom this or that. It’s really all of it. In twenty-five years of counseling, I have never met an all bad person, nor have I ever met an all good one.  One person’s story or perspective is never all right and the other person’s is never all...

Turning Points

Whether we are aware of it or not, we all have opportunities to create turning points in our lives. Too often, we wait for life to tap us on the shoulder and say, “ Hi there, here’s your opportunity to make life different for yourself.” It doesn’t work that way....

Let’s Get Connected

Want Happiness? OK, let’s bottom-line it. The most important thing you need in order to create happiness in your life is the ability to connect. It’s pretty simple. In fact, nearly every major issue looming over us today is created from our inability to connect with...


There is no greater gift on the planet than our ability to create connection with each other. It is the most sacred dance in life even though we often forget to treat it as sacred. When I speak of it, people’s eyes cross and they look at me as of I am speaking a...