
Independence Day 2003

This is the month of firecrackers and flags. There is however, an even bigger commotion and celebration going on in many of us right now that gives Independence Day a whole new meaning - one that is not about war. It is about a state of mind and spirit. I have found...

Finding Peace in 2001

Maybe 2001 is your year - a time to start living life in a purposeful and satisfying way. But what makes life feel as if it has purpose and is worthwhile? How do you find the verve, excitement and sense of fulfillment? Healing, contentment and grace are not about how...

Assume The Worst – Or Not

Legs that can’t stop kicking. Nails that continue to be bitten. A total lack of trust in anyone or anything. Sleepless nights spent ruminating. An inability to stop running, on the inside or the outside. These symptoms are not always the signs of a therapeutic or...

Who’s Cheating You?

You meet them every day; the people who lie, cheat and steal, those who break confidences and betray friends, not to mention those who seldom keep their commitments. Yes, we have an abundance of folks around who lack ethics. But, are you one of them? Ethics have to do...

Take My Partner – Please!

Are you sick to death of all those annoying, embarrassing little idiosyncrasies your mate has a habit of displaying in public and in private? When ever someone is doing something that we find irritating, we have a tendency to automatically feel it’s their problem and...

Living Deeply

There are people who live deeply enveloped in the aliveness in their life, and there are those who stand on the sidelines. There are people who create ecstasy in their relationships and others who are just doing time. There are those on the cutting edge of...

The Gift of Gap

Cheryl Crow says,  “It’s the turnaround or pivotal moments that introduce you to yourself - these small or these huge catastrophic events in your life – that’s where you really meet yourself. “  If you are a student of consciousness you know that these precious...

The Pause That Refreshes

Life is such a miracle and yet much of the time we are missing it. We get caught up in our underwear over silliness and drama and miss the magic. We worry about the mundane and meaningless, all things we can’t take with us. We worry about things we can’t change, and...

It’s Getting Hot

Things are heating up, and I don’t mean only in Arizona. Things are heating up in nearly every relationship, every school, every business deal, every corporation and in every religion. They are heating up because we are being pushed to the brink with issues of...

Wake Up!

I am people watcher. I admit it. The people I find most interesting to watch are those whose breathing slows down, and grace begins to glaze across their eyes and knowing arrives from some place pulled forward from the past when we talk about becoming enlightened....