
Words My mother was an alcoholic. Until the day she died, no, even long after, the words spinning in my head were wonderings about what a can of Coors offered her that I could not. There are certain experiences and certain words in life that humble you. They bring you...

One Job To Do

Question: It never occurred to me that getting sober would come with huge fundamental questions about who I am and what are my responsibilities to everyone else! How do I determine what responsibilities are really mine and which are not? Let’s simplify these issues....

Love Is…

I have never really believed that you fall in love instantly. You could conceivable fall into lust, or trip mindlessly into passion – but love, real love, takes time – like cooking the perfect soufflé. Love creeps gently into your insides when you glance...

I’m Right. You’re Wrong.

Do you ever feel as if the people in your life live on a different planet and have a different reality than you do? Why can’t they get it? Why can’t they see it? Why can’t they understand your side of things? This affliction plagues most couples who come to my office...

Half Baked Truth

Is truth in the eye of the beholder or is the beholder half-baking the truth? Can there really be many perspectives of the same truth; yours, mine and the objective truth or reality? Today, we embrace being a victim more than we embrace truth. We had no choice but to...