To Be or Not to Be In a Relationship

Are relationships worth all the trouble? Absolutely! They are the greatest teachers on the planet. Where else can you learn to break open your heart, see what your capacity to love is, test your need for control or sameness and learn cooperative balance?  That balance...

Sick of Your Relationship or Yourself?

How do you know if you are sick of your relationship or sick of your self? I hate to break it to you…but it’s all the same thing! Have you ever noticed that when you get up in the morning feeling positive and energetic, your whole day seems to flow into a...

Good Morning. Who are you?

Is being married better than not being married? Apparently so – or not – at least to the thousands of gay men and women who have jumped on the bandwagon to marital bliss. At a time when divorce is at it’s highest, 93% of all Americans still long for a walk down...